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I need help

I recently made a manga page, but for the life of me i can't think of a name for the manga. Here's the page http://anime-monkey13.deviantart.com/art/If-I-had-a-page-one-221024373 . Now the Genre is yaoi. "The plot is that the main character (the top one, he's a zookeeper who takes care of the lions) Shigeaki who has no care for romance and the only thing he love's is taking care of the lions when one day the alpha male Tau in the lion exhibit is acting strange, like he's sick. So he goes in to make sure he's fine when the lion tackles him to get at the pouch (some strange "medicine" from a shaman) at his waist eating something given to him by ...

De http://smilefrozenineternal.deviantart.com - Post original


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